Monday, June 13, 2011

Ladies Do you know when its time to let it go?

In today's day and time women do not know when it is time to get out of a relationship. Women tend to hold on through the good, bad, and ugly, even when its just plain bad and ugly. I don't understand why you would stay with someone or in a situation when you are constantly unhappy. Love is not an excuse either, too many time women use the word love to justify why they stay in a bad situation that is only heading south. Truth is if you love someone then let them go. But I have come to the conclusion that most women stay in bad relationships because they are scared to be alone, scared they won't find anything better, or just don't know their self worth. Now I'm going to help you out a little bit and tell you situations that are not worth holding on to.

1. Chronic infidelity: If your man has cheated on you more than once and is a chronic liar... Its time to Let it Go. Let him swim with the other fishes because there is nothing worse than a cheater bringing you home something he caught while testing the waters.

2. Emotional/ Physical Abuse: If you man needs to smack you down so he can feel tall... It's time to Let it Go and get a restraining order.

3. Unemployed: For Better or Worse for Richer or Poor... ok I believe in sticking by your significant other in time of crisis but if he refuses to work and wants to live off you... Let it Go... he will leave you with bad credit.

4. Controlling: If you man has to control your every move, be all on your back, and tries to tame you like an animal... Let it Go.. 9 times out of 10 he is insecure and insecure men need they ego stroked and if it's not stroked to his liking they tend to become abusive.

5. Love: If he doesn't love you or support your goals and aspirations its time to cut him loose. Now let me clarify Love you, if he doesn't love you right or act like he loves you... Let Him Go.  

Walking away is not always easy but it takes a lot more to walk from a bad situation. Love and respect yourself and know that you do not need a man who is not going to treat you right.

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